Always a big debate here in comments about pubic hair: "Shave it!" vs "Let it grow!" I like variety and to change it up, but this winter I thought I would really let it grow in for the fur fans. Problem is it is just too dense! Became annoying. So it had to come off. Here is the shave in process. Husband intended on making a lightening bolt pattern but messed it up so just ended up with a thin landing strip. It will grow back. Please tell me what you think and prefer. Suggestions for future patterns?
Recent Comments for Shaving off the winter bush (86)
Shaving off the winter bush
Posted by: Chickpea
Always a big debate here in comments about pubic hair: "Shave it!" vs "Let it grow!" I like variety and to change it up, but this winter I thought I would really let it grow in for the fur fans. Problem is it is just too dense! Became annoying. So it had to come off. Here is the shave in process. Husband intended on making a lightening bolt pattern but messed it up so just ended up with a thin landing strip.
It will grow back. Please tell me what you think and prefer. Suggestions for future patterns?