Nude in Public - and loving it

Posted by: Eve

Jun 23, 2021

Before I met Mike I would never have considered being braless, topless or naked in public but with his gentle encouragement and him telling me how nice my body was I grew to love and prefer being braless all the time. Before that I thought my tits were too small and my nipples were too long but that quickly changed and now I am totally happy with my body and love the looks and comments I get from passersby. Becoming comfortable braless in public led to him taking me to a nude resort and I really blossomed there. It felt amazing to be able to walk around naked all day. Being naked on the beach was one thing but to be able to stroll along the streets and walk into a shop in the nude felt so sexy and liberating I couldnt get enough. I hope you like these photos of me naked and happy in public xx Eve

Recent Comments for Nude in Public - and loving it (76)
  • Love seeing your pussy piercings, but super exciting to see you shopping totally naked, that is sooo sexy!!! :-) :-)
  • hot
  • Wonderful, Eve. You're a beautiful woman
  • Come back Eve! Where are you? 
  • You can sit on my rock anytime.
  • Luv the pierced pussy!!  SEXY as hell!!!
  • Missing your post.. Please come back
  • Hé hé have not seen you for a long time , we mist you you are so natural and beautiful
  • Love how yo say you blossomed, please keep on posting those amazing pics of you in public.
  • I have read so many of your stiries-- I wish I could be there with you to experience them with you and Mike!
  • As I look at the last picture, others like you, not just me... :-)
  • nice ass
  • Great boobs, nips, bod, you've got the lot. Well done and so glad you're enjoying it
  • I'm so glad Mike gave you that confidence Eve. I love your posts, so fun and confident and your body is


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