
Posted by: Leika

Aug 1, 2014

Dark body to sink your teeth into!

Recent Comments for Chocolate (14)
  • The first photo was a good start but she deserves MUCH BETTER photography than the remainder of this lot. Right? Right!
  • Exciting topless shots! Nice looking big tits!
  • I don't car what anyone says - I would love to suck, fuck and cum over those nice titties.
  • wtf
  • Wow, "cumpump," that's now become the weakest excuse you've ever made. You're the r@pist claiming that if women didn't dress in a certain way he'd stop r@aping! No, fool, at least TRY to be a man and accept responsibility for YOUR actions. You abuse women anonymously because you need to make yourself feel better after sucking cock anonymously. Since you can't have sex with them to make yourself feel like a man, you try to feel like a man by abusing them. Deal with and OWN your condition, bitch.
  • Totoo, dan don't get it, I do this cause of jerks like him, if he stopped replying or stopped posting so would I, ni love annoying people who think they're always right, best thing to do ignore me/us and some will stop
  • wow those tits are amazing. i wish i could play with them and your sexy body. please post more pics. gluckyv103@
  • Ah, but you continue to ignore the big issue, you moron. You NEVER have a problem with those who post cruel and even racist remarks on these boards. If ignoring people is the answer, why don't YOU ignore ME . . . just as you ignore the abusers? And you say that someone has been pissing in my cornflakes . . . well, at least the difference between the two of us is that if they are I'm not aware of it . . . and you're sucking it directly from the source.
  • Hey Daninhbg, The Douche Bag. You @sshole, you started making a couple of comments because i called you out. Someone must piss in your cornflakes every morning. You are the most downwards person i have ever seen. Lighten up and just ignore people and do your own thing. If you think for one minute you or spam alert will change anyone, you are living in a fantasy world. And i will keep on calling you out untill you stop.
  • And, again, "tutu," if you actually READ my posts (or in your case, if you could actually read at all), you'd see many compliments within my retorts. But the sad fact remains this; you continually come after me for bashing the bashers, but you have NO problem whatsoever with the clods making rude, abusive and even racist comments on these boards; thus showing your absolute lack of character.
  • Hey Daninhbg, The Douche Bag. Try something new and make a positive comment for once in your sorry life. Oh thats Right You Prefer Men. Just Another Sorry Excuse For A Human Being. Definetly A Half Glass Is Empty Person.
  • Excuse me, "cumpump," what I said verbatim was, "If you don't bash a woman I don't give you a second ; I made a statement contrasting my conduct with your habit of bringing me up even when I haven't appeared on a board yet . . . AS IN THIS CASE, MORON! LOL Once again, you prove how obsessed with me you are . . . and how much you have become my beeyatch! LOL
  • A dudejQuery11110866641823689438_1406915086562? Hbg... your friend is we bashers as you call us, "don't give us a second thought", then why do you come to see if we posted? Asperger's....
  • love them dark titties @


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