
Posted by: Kelli

Jun 10, 2014

Kelli showing her ass at the park

Recent Comments for Kelli (20)
  • Not much "ass" actually shown, but it was a good start.
  • My holes are yours to use
  • ツ ➞ fantazm%2eonline#3158967
  • Kelli I enjoyed watching you express your sensuality, you are a very arousing young woman. If you see it at all possible that we could become acquainted please email me. Dwightjhnsn@
  • very nice like to see more pics of kelli email me @
  • Great contri, hope there is more in store. You're a Venus look-a-like, gorgeous. stickman165@
  • My Ebony Goddess if you were to have shown as much of your awesome body naked like in your photo posts you would have a gazillion hits and every man and bi woman would want to lick, suck and kiss your body all over. I am not large, almost 7 inches but like I said in the comments of your photo posts I am yours to do with as you see fit. I would use 2 viagara and a bottle of KY Lube if I were to be able to spend one night with you.
  • Kelli you're perfect. You look nervous which proves it's a genuine public flash and not somewhere no one else visits, very brave of you. I hope you got your just reward after ;)
  • Kelli is simply amazing. she has a very hot ass. her pussy looks very tasty and her breast and nipples are hot. please post more pics and videos kelli. gluckyv103@
  • you need to loosen up
  • It looks like she is performing under duress. This is not a "Happy" video.
  • Does anyone seriously think any of this douche bags submissions are of girls who actually WANT to be here? Look at their are NOT what VW is about...........
  • Your video is too more more! Michael
  • would of loved better lighting still very nice thanks
  • Hmmmmmm!!! Yummy Yummy I bet you'd really enjoy me licking and sucking that sweet clit of yours? Let me know? intriguebob@


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