Dear all,
This time we would like to share some pictures with you from our latest trip to Cologne (Germany).
It was an unbelievable experience for Bri to get naked in the crowds of tourists. We assume that Bri was the touristic highlight for most of them. She definitely was one of the most photographed sights on that day! ;o)
Bri & Traegicomix
Köln is more beautiful when Bri is posing nude there! And from the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2024, she is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Hall of Fame best AND ALSO a self-confident German woman all Germany can be proud of! ABSOLUTELY! I wish that Bri was still participating here, and I hope that she is alive, well and happy in 2024. BRAVA, BRI!
Danke, Jürgen! Ja, wir werden noch viele weitere Contris machen. :) Eure lieben Kommentare heizen mich an, immer mehr und mehr zu zeigen und zu geben :) LG, Bri
ja wow wow wow bri deine bilder werden immer heisser. zuerst war es ja nur ein verstecktes rock hochheben und mantel öffnen und jetzt bist du mitten in der City total nackt unter leuten unterwegs ... wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
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Bri Nude in Cologne
Posted by: Bri
Dear all, This time we would like to share some pictures with you from our latest trip to Cologne (Germany). It was an unbelievable experience for Bri to get naked in the crowds of tourists. We assume that Bri was the touristic highlight for most of them. She definitely was one of the most photographed sights on that day! ;o) Cheers, Bri & Traegicomix