If we have said it once, we have said it a thousand times: bad boob jobs scream out in photographs and in real life. She has ruined an otherwise gorgeous body.
Hi Linda Your Absolutely stunning!!!!! Sensual Body!!! Beautiful Boobs!! Awesome Ass!! perfect Pussy!!! :) like to see your Pretty face it is just a shame so lovely pictures ;) of your perfect body and a blured face. :( I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? With love from Belguim tdepoorter@
just baffles me how SPAMMER's like cali9inches (poses as caliLA and westcoast9), MT007 and ncdave can post the same copy & paste comment everywhere and somehow think we contributors don't see it on everyone elses contri. Are these guys really that stoopid?
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Posted by: Linda