Jasmine's Hedo Peacock

Posted by: Juicy Jasmine

Sep 7, 2013

Our 1st trip to Hedonism II and on our 1st night, she got body painted to complete her Peacock themed pasties, G-string, earrings and hair extension! She got 2nd place in the contest - PLEASE vote SUPERB and help her win FIRST place!

Recent Comments for Jasmine's Hedo Peacock (19)
  • No nudity = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle, bum kicks! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
  • ♥️
  • YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SPECIAL!!!! TRIED TO LEAVE A MESSAGE ON ONE CONTRI OF YOURS, TITLED " Jasmine with BBC 2", TO SAY WAS SPEACHLESS, (and add that I also had an incredible orgasm watching you) ktxondo@
  • Shoot the camera man. These photos were horrible and did not do you justice! Focus and "staring down at you" - really bad. Sorry. Would love to see more of your great bod.
  • Hi Jasmine Your Absolutely stunning!!!!! Sensual Body!!! Beautiful Boobs!! Awesome Ass!! perfect Pussy!!! :) i would be proude as a peacock if you would be my girl and there would be a part of me that would stand up realy hard as well with you loking like that!!! like to see your Pretty face it is just a shame so lovely pictures ;) of your perfect body and a blured face. :( I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? With love from Belguim tdepoorter@
  • hope you got paid good for that silly crap.
  • well, there's westcoast9. Shows up right before midnight/the next day with his same "copy & paste" SPAM so he won't get flagged off the board like usual. From one contributor to another, BEWARE! Gotta love the haters using my moniker below.
  • Superb votes are given to hot babes who don't have orange-peel thighs, flabby arms and they're sexy and beautiful. The set of pics are also usually good quality and their is an amount of full nudity. So no superb vote from more likely.
  • i could put a swollen cock in her or on her..
  • she can be the pea on my cock anytime
  • FLAG Scorpio52. If you don't like what you see here then STFU and go to PV where you can be with the rest of the hater's.
  • Quel supris, shock horror, gasp, Scorpio52 has been given new words . 'no nudity'.
  • I gave ya "SUPERB" again sweetheart.. Lemme know ifya ever in Boston.. An irish fireman here is DYIN to suck on your toes!!! DanOhh xoxo
  • NO NUDITY!!!! Poor
  • Not bad. But a peacock is the male of the species and is brightly colored. She would be a peahen without the brightly colored feathers.


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