Random Shots

Posted by: sexymomma3

Jul 29, 2013

Recent Comments for Random Shots (31)
  • Wow! Super teasing huge tits!
  • sexy! plymothcuda16@
  • wow would love to see more yep i am in lust wow would love to hook up Johnjohnson2029@ send more pics please
  • Sexy tits and suckable nipples. Thanks for sharing. Love to see more. carolinalovin44@
  • Nice tits N@STY tatts.
  • Hey, "grumpytoo," look below. Read the comments. There are a LOT of guys who appreciated her pictures. What is it with people like you? You think if YOU don't find a woman attractive than she isn't attractive; never accounting for individual tastes. Rather arrogant on your part. Here's a little tip for you. If you don't like what a woman looks like, just hit "next PV" and move on to the next post. Your need to insult this woman says more about you than it does her.
  • If she is sexy, who isn't?
  • Yep, "el B@rfo" just can't resist. His racist comment gets deleted earlier yet the clown's life is so meaningless he just HAS to come back here and insult her again. Yep, NOTHING is going to keep him from proving he's a world-class dullard!
  • You are a cutie. Would love to see more. Would also like clearer shots. Got a better camera? Beautiful subjects deserve good equipment.
  • Hey, "Watch out," with dullards like "009" and "redlion" posting here, you can't blame him for making certain assumptions, can you?
  • just baffled at the photobeggars like ncdave (.a. westcoast9), MT007, mikepatrick that put the same "copy & paste" comment on every page then somehow think that contributors don't see their posts on others contri's. Just wondering if they think we're all stoopid?
  • random shots, wow!! i say random tastiness, random sexiness, random deliciousnesss!!i love your pics, please pay no attention to these little dick ass-hole and their negative comments-they wouldn't know a real woman if she sat on their face. i'd love to seem more keep up the good work. rsmith196640@
  • Those tits make that butterfly unseemly.
  • LOVE Them tits!! I can see them in my face as she rides me!!
  • Actually, "captainnine" meant to write "what a beaut!" He's just a lousy typist!


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