Closer and Closer

Posted by: Gost

May 26, 2013

The girl and her friends were sunbathing right next to me and my friends, so I got close enough to make good shots! A beautiful tan.

Recent Comments for Closer and Closer (36)
  • Never mind the unbelievable story from the guy who shared these photos ..............................                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Brava to all women -- all ages, all sizes, all shapes, all races, all ethnicities, all colors -- who have the self-confidence to go fully nude at a public beach! YES!
  • gkxsopgwao, if your pussy feels like it is "in fire" you could have Monkey Pox! Nobody in their right mind wants a "FREE BLOWJOB or VIRT SEX" from a Monkey Poxer! Go to the free clinic. Now!
  • Some ladies are so perfect it kills me.
  • Very nice.
  • It was very nice of that "girl and her friends [who] were sunbathing right next to me and my friends" to let our man take those close up photos of her perfect pussy! I don't believe the story but would have voted "Superb!" for the ;
  • Excellent post. Thanks for sharing!!
  • that is one amazing pussy
  • OMG she has such an amazing that smooth shaved pussy is to die for..!!!
  • OMG - these are FANTASTIC pictures!
  • Absolutely gorgeous! Great camera work too! Why can't I find beaches like this?
  • Delicious!
  • Great catch of this amazing hottie. Perfect tan and bald pussy. So young and beautiful. Love her eyes and those tits. carolinalovin44@
  • the same shot five times,..........., but amazing
  • Impresionante como esta la niña !!!!!!!!!
  • excellently done good buddy.


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